Tuesday, March 29, 2011
LOJ Core Group Team Building
On a rainy Saturday afternoon of March 19, 2011 the LOJ Family headed-off to San Remegio - a beautiful and rustic coastal town with white sand beaches off north of Cebu - to have their teambuilding.
A sumptuous dinner welcomed the team and was followed by the team building proper facilitated by no less than the LOJF Training Ministry Heads - the husband and wife team of Bro. John and Sis Monette Dulay. The activity was aimed at strengthening bonds and building relationships for a more effective teamwork to attain the community's main goal of building 1,000 Feasts.
Mind filling inputs were shared by the dynamic duo as the group was divided into 4 teams - Biege, Aqua, Blue, and Green. And thus the games began.
The teams enjoyed and learned lessons from the "flying" hula-hoop, and Sunday's Amazing Race on the beach.
It was such a fulfilling experience of worship, teamwork, and camaraderie.
Special gratitude is extended to our Feast Builder, Bro. Buddy Tan for the very warm welcome and for the use of his beautiful beach resort and of course to the LOJF Training Ministry.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
PESONALITY Talk 1: Make Your 100%
And as he ended it, he shared the belief of having our own Cheque from God and start declaring to the world and claiming it that, we are receiving it.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Not just so that you can give more money. (That’s easy.)
But by becoming all that you can be through the process of earning more money, you can grow more and give yourself more.
Here’s the truth: Your Cash is directly connected to 3 Cs: Your Character, your Competence, and your Consciousness. I’ll discuss these three Cs today.
Let me first focus on Character.
Let me shock you with what the Bible says: If, then, you have not been faithful in handling worldly wealth, how can you be trusted with true wealth? (Luke 16:11)
That’s scary.
But think about it. How a person manages his money (no matter whether big or small) will reveal whether he’s gracious or greedy, honest or dishonest, loyal or disloyal.
Money doesn’t bring anything new to the table. Money, by itself, doesn’t make you gracious or greedy, honest or dishonest, loyal or disloyal. Nor does it make you happy or unhappy.
As I like to say, money is just a magnifying glass. It simply enlarges what’s already there. Money reveals your character—or the lack thereof.
That’s probably why Jesus spoke about money more than any other topic. Out of 57 parables, more than half were about money. (Some of my favorite critics accuse me of talking about money too much. I’m in good company.)
Today, I’m challenging you to earn more, it’s not about the money. It’s about the person that you become because of the journey in earning the money. Tony Hilado (Cebu Feast Marketing Head) mentors his students to earn P1 million in 90 days, and once they earn it, he tells them to give it all away.
That’s why a huge windfall of cash can destroy one’s life. Many Lotto winners declare bankruptcy after five years.
Because the needed character wasn’t there to maintain the cash.
Earn more to love more.
Earn more to grow more.
And welcome to our brand new series, Pesonality.
Yes, you do have a financial side to your personality. And Jesus wants to be Lord over that side of your life. Open your life to God—especially your finances—in the next four weeks. You’ll learn about these four very important
actions that will prosper you:
Talk 1: Make Your 100%
Talk 2: Magnify Your 10%
Talk 3: Multiply Your 20%
Talk 4: Manage Your 70%
Have a great Feast today!
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
Last talk for DRENCHED: Always be Grateful!
Last week was also the last talk of Bro. Migz for it will still be quite some time before he would once again inspire the Febu Feast with skill songs, catchy acting sequence and magic tricks.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Kerygma Conference 2011 Shirts Now Available!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
DRENCHED - Talk 3 - Grow the Blessings
This was perfectly manifested when all feat attendees wrote their blessings and what they asked to be to blessed with in fruit shaped papers and posted it on our "Blessing Tree". Through this we give action to planting our dreams and working hard so that we will soon pluck our own fruit of blessings.