Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Extreme Makeover: Surrender

Last week we started a new series, "Extreme Makeover", on the first talk entitled "Submit", Bro. Buddy said that only love can do a makeover. Only love can change you because love focuses on the good. What you focus on grows. If you keep focusing on what is bad, you will never be happy because the key to happiness is gratitude. A grateful person is a happy person and focuses on what is good.

When love focuses on the good in you, that good multiplies grows, develops, and reproduces within you. Only love can do an extreme makeover in your life. Only God's love can change you forever.

God's beauty s within you. He sees the good in you because you are made in His own image and likeness. He sees your beauty, your holiness, your magnificence, your splendor, your glory. If you focus on your sin, you will punish yourself for your sin. The more you focus on your sin, the more it multiplies. While a love centered spirituality spawns more love. It will heal whatever your addictions are. God will fill your heart so mush there is no more space for sin.

With conviction, Bro. Buddy said to the audience that God's message in this series is, "You're beautiful just the way you are - and God make you even more beautiful."

As Catholics, we believe that Mary is the first disciple. Mary started her life with her call and responding to it changed her life forever. You have the same call as Mary did. God is calling you. When you say yes to God, you change your life forever. All new things start with a Yes. Nothing new happens in life without a Yes. Mary said yes and so Christmas happened.

Submit yourself to God, give your yes to Him and your live will never be the same again!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Seasons: Talk 3- Autumn

On the third talk of the Season series, entitled "Autumn", Bro Buddy talked about the Season of Harvesting. Galatians 6:8 says, "People will reap exactly what they sow." He said that if you planted good, you will be harvesting good. If you planted bad, you will be harvesting bad.

Your body is a garden. Your family is a garden. Your finances is a garden. Your entire life is a garden. So be extra careful with what you plant because what you plant in your garden in your teens and twenties is what you will harvest in your forties and fifties and sixties...

Bro. Buddy said that in the season of autumn you have to enjoy the harvest. He happily shared the five ways of enjoying your harvest that includes:
  1. Savor life, do not rush but taste all of life
  2. Simplify pleasures because simple pleasures are the best pleasures in the world, since they are simple, you can experience these pleasures repeatedly.
  3. Strengthen relationships because one of our greatest joys is the people God has given to us.
  4. Show gratitude because wealth is measured by how grateful you are. If you want to increase your enjoyment, increase your gratitude.
  5. Share generosity for there are two reasons why God blesses you; first, he wants you to enjoy them and second, because He wants you to make others enjoy them too.
Enjoy your harvest of blessings! Enjoy God's blessings today!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Seasons: Talk 1 - Spring

We started a new series entitled "Seasons" with the first talk "Spring".
According to Bro. Buddy Tan, the life's greatest battlefield is in our mind and so if we win in our mind, we win in any area of our life. In romans 12:2 it says, "Be transformed by the renewal of your mind."

You may ask how do I win in my mind?
The answer is just simple - by receiving His Word daily.

In the new series, we will be talking about the 4 seasons that symbolizes the 4 phases of our journey in life. Every season requires a right response because each season brings specially-made, tailor-fit, god-appointed, Heaven-crafted blessings for that season. To maximize your blessings for each season, you need to do the right response.

Bro. Buddy Tan gave the right resonses for each of the 4 seasons which are:
  • During the spring, you plant.
  • During the summer, you work.
  • During the autumn, you harvest, and,
  • During the winter, uou renew.
He said that your life is not just in one season. In whatever season that you are in, God promises to be with you, Psalm 1:3, " He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in it's season...in all that he does, he prospers." You;re the tree and God is the stream. As long as the tree is near the stream, that tree will always bear fruit - because it has an unending supply of water.