Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Real Score: Forgiveness

At Last week's Feast the Gospel was taken from Matthew 20:1-16, about the generosity of God. Rev. Fr. Jaime said during his homily that "All of us are equal in the eyes of God, we are all His children. He gives and blesses all his children. No one deserves God's blessings, but because He is generous, he chooses to bless us."

The series ended last week with a talk on FORGIVENESS. It was very enlightening and liberating. Bro. Buddy gave 2 clarifications about forgiveness which are:
  1. Forgiveness is different from friendship - When you forgive someone it doesn't mean you'll be friend with him again.
  2. When the hurt is very deep, don't forgive right away - By getting angry we restore our dignity. This process is part of your healing.
If you really want to be happy in your life, you need to have a forgiving attitude because you live amidst imperfect people and you are imperfect too. In the Bible Jesus said, "Forgive seventy times seven." The number is a Biblical symbol for "forever".

Bro. Buddy put emphasis on this, "Forgiveness is first of all a gift you give yourself. Forgiveness is almost as selfish act because of the incredible blessings the forgiver gets!"

But the root of unforgiveness is our inability to forgive ourselves. If we don't receive God's mercy, we can't give mercy to others. Let us stop trying to pay for our sins instead let us rest in His mercy.

To end, Bro. Buddy stated that forgiveness is being kind beyond what is reasonable, in 1 Corinthians 13 it says, "Love does not keep a record of wrongs."

Brothers and sisters, let us all forgive sincerely and be free!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Real Score: Not Envious

At last week's Feast, people went home so much blessed and inspired! The Feast, being moved on it's new schedule every Saturday, started with an anticipated mass. The Gospel taken from Matthew 18:21-35. According to Rev. Fr. Charles Luis Jaime, the mass celebrant, when Jesus said that we must forgive seventy-seven times He means ALWAYS.

After the mass was the talk proper of "The Real Score" series. Bro. Buddy, quoting again 1 Corinthians 13, put emphasis on the verse, "Love does not envy". He narrated the story of Cain and Abel from Genesis 4:6-8. Both brothers offered a sacrifice to God but Abel's sacrifice was accepted. Because of this Cain, envied his brother Abel, and this envy moved him to kill his brother.

However sad, the reality is that the spirit of Cain continues today. Because of envy, we harm others with our hurting and offending words. Envy is as common as the cold, but deadly as cancer. Actually, it's like a mental cancer that destroys your life, your relationships, and your happiness. Envy is one of the most destructive thing on planet Earth.

Bro. Buddy gives the 2 Phases of Envy:

PHASE ONE. Why don't I have what you have? Envy once nurtured, always comes with a shame, and shame always kills the spirit.

PHASE TWO. If I don't have any, you shouldn't have any too. This is when envy becomes cruel and destructive not only to yourself but to others.

Bro. Buddy stated that many times we don't know that we are envious because we are usually blind with our own envy so he has 3 questions to know if you have Phase 2 envy.

  1. Is there anyone that I don't like?
  2. What does this person have that I don't have?
  3. Will I be secretly delighted if he fails?

Like all problems, going to the source is the key to solution. Envy is just a symptom. Its root is emptiness. Envy is always about a deep dissatisfaction with yourself. A person who is happy with himself and profoundly satisfied with himself cannot envy others. The feeling of emptiness and insecurity comes from fear of worthlessness. The antidote to envy is gratitude for God's love.

Bro. Buddy shared 2 Powerful Steps to Get Rid of Envy.
  1. Celebrate Your Abundance - Focus on your blessings and thank God for all of it.
  2. Celebrate Their Abundance - Be genuinely happy for other people's successes. Share in their joy, share in their victory, not just be happy when it happens but pray that it happens.

Bro. Buddy shared a secret which we must all know. It says, "If you envy he blessings that other people receive, you're driving away those blessings from your life. But if you're genuinely grateful for the blessings other people receive, you'll attract those exact same blessings into your life more easily."

Bro. Buddy ended his talk by illustrating the abundance mindset. When your friends are blessed it doesn't lessen your chance of being blessed. In God;s Kingdom, there is no scarcity of blessings. The universe is a giant bucket of blessings that will never run out.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Real Score: Patience

At last week's Feast the Gospel reading was taken from Luke 4: 31-37. The mass celebrant was again the lively Rev. Fr. Charles Luis "Cha" Jaime. According to Fr. Jaime, Jesus' authority can tame the demon in us and drive them out. In driving out those temptatio
ns of our evil tendencies in us we need God to strengthen us in our fight. We need God's grace because alone we can do nothing.

Last week we started a new series entitled "Real Score." Talk 1 is all about
"Patience". Bro Buddy said than on Judgement Day, God will not ask how much money you have earned, how many certificates you had, or if you finished a degree, but God will ask you how much have you loved

In 1 Corinthians, 13, the first description of this greatest thing on earth -Love- is patient. He said that impatience means you lack trust in God. Many times, you're impatient because you take matters in your hands. If you want to be patient, learn to take matters into God's hands.

Bro. Buddy pointed out that patience is an internal problem. Circumstances don't cause impatience, you cause your impatience. Impatience comes from your desire to control things that you have no control over. According to him, God has given us the power to control over a few things only. Many times you can't control the stimuli around you but you can control the response o those stimuli. At the end of the day, you can only control one thing and that is yourself.

In Colossians 3: 13 it says, "Make allowance for each other's faults..." You can't control people's faults but you can control your response to those faults. Expect imperfections, learn to live with their imperfection and your relationship will be happier.

Bro. Buddy shared 3 important ways you need to do to become a patient person.
1. Stop - In James 1: 19-20 it says, Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. The important thing is to stop what your anger wants you to do at that precise moment.

2. Look - Look for God in the difficult situation, specifically look for God's love. Look for Him loving you at those moments of testing. Look for His presence in this irritating situation or annoying person.

3. Listen - Listen to God's instructions. Ask the big question, "What is the wisest thing to do?"

Many times, subconscious fear is the fuel of our impatience. And our greatest fear is the fear of worthlessness. The antidote of impatience is deep trust in God's love.

Brothers and sisters when you know you're totally, completely, and absolutely loved by God, you know there's nothing else to prove.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Force: Finish Strong

Last week's Feast began with a Holy Mass celebrated by Rev. Fr. Charles Louis "Cha" Jayme.

"God's grace is received by the lowly and the truthful. The humble sees God and His mercy but the hypocrite see themselves", were the words of Fr. Cha on his homily. The Gospel was taken from Mathew 23: 23-26 which talks about the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. Fr. Cha said that we have to focus more on the purity and cleanliness of heart and not just with the exteriors. As what Jesus said in the Bible, "Blessed are the pure of heart, they will see God."

After the mass was a lively worship led by our worship leaders, Bro. Oscar Alino and Bro. Stephen Nellas. During the ministry time, the congregation was given special cards. Bro. Buddy Tan, our most beloved Feast Builder, ministered and exhorted them to write on the card the mountains that they want to move, the territories they wanted to expand and the harvest they wanted to increase.

God's holy presence was deeply felt by everyone especially when the congregation was led to surrender their mountains singing the song "Through Christ" which the lyrics puts it so well: "I can do all things through Christ, I can move a mountain if you are the strength of my life." Bro. Buddy encouraged everyone to hug each other. Truly, God's love, healing, and restoration were seen.

To end the service, the LOJF music ministry sung a part of the beautiful and inspiring lyrics as follows:
We'll be faithful to our calling,
For You are able to keep us from falling
And in Your Presence we will trust
We'll be faithful to finish the work You Began in us.

Brothers and sisters. God will finish the work he has begun in us. We are all God's work in progress. Let us finish strong because,


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Force: Increase Harvest

Just last week, The Feast Cebu was pruned. It was quite different from what we were accustomed to. It was and will continue to be held at Sacred Heart Center in Jakosalem St., Cebu City, a timely change in accordance with last week's talk.

We started with a mass, followed by a blessing of the venue and the congregation, presided by Rev. Fr. Brian Brigoli. The gospel was from Matthew 18:1-5,10,12-14, "Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." From the homily of Fr. Brian, "Humility is realizing the greatness in you and that greatness is Jesus."

All these changes, as explained by Bro. Buddy's talk - "Increase Harvests", were God's pruning. In John 15
:1-2, it says "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful." God is our gardener. Because Jesus said, "I have come that you might have an abundant life," not simply an adequate one. But abundance comes with a price - pruning.

If you want all that God wants for you - to reap abundant harvests and to fulfill God-sized dreams, then submit yourself to God's pruning.

However, some things in your life must be sacrificed. God prunes what destroys you and what distracts you because good things can steal away your attention from the great things. There will be times when you will experience failure, sickness, retrenchment, separation; but look on the bright side, there'll be more space in your life for newer and better things. Just remember that God's focus isn't on removing but on adding because after pruning comes abundance.

Yes, pruning is painful but pruning doesn't kill you. Growth
usually happens through pain. From the letter of St. Paul to the Romans, "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." Brothers and sisters, while we are going through pruning, let us not focus on the pain, let us focus on the prize!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Force Within You

Imagine having two cars in your garage. The first is a brand-new, shiny, top-of-the-line Porsche with a monster V6 engine. The second is a decrepit, malfunctioning, smoke-belching, about-to-disintegrate Owner Jeep that was used in World War II. But as insane as this may sound, everywhere you go, you choose to drive the rusty vehicle. You never use the Porsche. The jeep conks out on you every day, it's embarrassing. You spend more time pushing it than driving it. It's so rusty, you have to get a tetanus shot. Spare parts always fall off your jeep, you always receive tickets for littering. But no matter how many problems the jeep gives you, you simply refuse to use the Porsche.

Nuts, right? But that's what we do in our life. We refuse to use God's Power!
God has given us power to accomplish His dreams for our life. The Bible says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:17).

Like that Porsche on our garage, God has given us an inner Force beyond our wildest imagination. Remember Star Wars? It was one of the first movies I watched. "May the Force be with you," Obi-wan said to Luke Skywalker. Did you notice? It's so similar to our response at Mass, "May the Lord be with you."

Star Wars is fiction. But the spiritual war is real. And "the Force" that God put in our hands is very real too. God has given you the power to move mountains (Talk 1), enlarge territories (Talk 2), multiply harvests (Talk 3), and finish strong (Talk 4).
My wish for you is that after this series, you start using God's Power in your life.

May the force be with you,

Bro. Buddy Tan

Extreme Makeover: Sanctify

The series Extreme Makeover ended with the talk - "Sanctify". Bro. Buddy Tan, our beloved Feast builder, emphasized that sanctification is about allowing God to love you. He redefined holiness from being about doing things to allowing things to happen to you, from being about working for god to allowing God to work in you, and from being about loving God to allowing God to love you.

The talk reminded the attendees that deep within each of us, we already are beautiful. We already are holy. Our only responsibility is to bring out the beauty and holiness within us.

The scripture used for the talk was from John 2:1-10, about the wedding at Cana, particularly, Jesus' miracle of changing water into wine. Bro. Buddy said that water is the symbol of our life and wine is the symbol of the Holy Spirit.

Only God can turn water into wine, our imperfect work into God's work, your inadequate love into God's love, your damaged life into God's life. Only God can make you holy.

However, there are times that people experience losing their passion for the Lord. The talk gave the following solutions for when our wine runs dry:

  1. See God in the ordinary.
  2. Keep praying. As you pray more, you will love God more because you will know Him more.
  3. Surround yourself with holy company.
Sanctification should find its fullness in love because if we're holy but we have not love, we are nothing!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Extreme Makeover: Surrender

Last week we started a new series, "Extreme Makeover", on the first talk entitled "Submit", Bro. Buddy said that only love can do a makeover. Only love can change you because love focuses on the good. What you focus on grows. If you keep focusing on what is bad, you will never be happy because the key to happiness is gratitude. A grateful person is a happy person and focuses on what is good.

When love focuses on the good in you, that good multiplies grows, develops, and reproduces within you. Only love can do an extreme makeover in your life. Only God's love can change you forever.

God's beauty s within you. He sees the good in you because you are made in His own image and likeness. He sees your beauty, your holiness, your magnificence, your splendor, your glory. If you focus on your sin, you will punish yourself for your sin. The more you focus on your sin, the more it multiplies. While a love centered spirituality spawns more love. It will heal whatever your addictions are. God will fill your heart so mush there is no more space for sin.

With conviction, Bro. Buddy said to the audience that God's message in this series is, "You're beautiful just the way you are - and God make you even more beautiful."

As Catholics, we believe that Mary is the first disciple. Mary started her life with her call and responding to it changed her life forever. You have the same call as Mary did. God is calling you. When you say yes to God, you change your life forever. All new things start with a Yes. Nothing new happens in life without a Yes. Mary said yes and so Christmas happened.

Submit yourself to God, give your yes to Him and your live will never be the same again!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Seasons: Talk 3- Autumn

On the third talk of the Season series, entitled "Autumn", Bro Buddy talked about the Season of Harvesting. Galatians 6:8 says, "People will reap exactly what they sow." He said that if you planted good, you will be harvesting good. If you planted bad, you will be harvesting bad.

Your body is a garden. Your family is a garden. Your finances is a garden. Your entire life is a garden. So be extra careful with what you plant because what you plant in your garden in your teens and twenties is what you will harvest in your forties and fifties and sixties...

Bro. Buddy said that in the season of autumn you have to enjoy the harvest. He happily shared the five ways of enjoying your harvest that includes:
  1. Savor life, do not rush but taste all of life
  2. Simplify pleasures because simple pleasures are the best pleasures in the world, since they are simple, you can experience these pleasures repeatedly.
  3. Strengthen relationships because one of our greatest joys is the people God has given to us.
  4. Show gratitude because wealth is measured by how grateful you are. If you want to increase your enjoyment, increase your gratitude.
  5. Share generosity for there are two reasons why God blesses you; first, he wants you to enjoy them and second, because He wants you to make others enjoy them too.
Enjoy your harvest of blessings! Enjoy God's blessings today!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Seasons: Talk 1 - Spring

We started a new series entitled "Seasons" with the first talk "Spring".
According to Bro. Buddy Tan, the life's greatest battlefield is in our mind and so if we win in our mind, we win in any area of our life. In romans 12:2 it says, "Be transformed by the renewal of your mind."

You may ask how do I win in my mind?
The answer is just simple - by receiving His Word daily.

In the new series, we will be talking about the 4 seasons that symbolizes the 4 phases of our journey in life. Every season requires a right response because each season brings specially-made, tailor-fit, god-appointed, Heaven-crafted blessings for that season. To maximize your blessings for each season, you need to do the right response.

Bro. Buddy Tan gave the right resonses for each of the 4 seasons which are:
  • During the spring, you plant.
  • During the summer, you work.
  • During the autumn, you harvest, and,
  • During the winter, uou renew.
He said that your life is not just in one season. In whatever season that you are in, God promises to be with you, Psalm 1:3, " He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in it's all that he does, he prospers." You;re the tree and God is the stream. As long as the tree is near the stream, that tree will always bear fruit - because it has an unending supply of water.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New Series: Seasons

Bloom at Every Season!

In the Philippines, we only have two seasons: rainy season and sunny season. But in the West, they have four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall. If you're a farmer, these seasons will dictate your main activity. During spring, you plant; summer, you take care of your crops; fall you harvest; and winter, you renew the land for the next planting season.

These four seasons are reflections of our life jorney.
  • Spring is our youth [ages 1 to 20]. It is the Season of Planting.
  • Summer is our adulthood [ages 21 to 40]. It is the season of Working.
  • Fall is maturity [ages 41 to 60]. It is the season of Harvest.
  • Winter is our senior years [ages 61 above]. It is the Season for Renewal.
But these seasons aren't black and white because in each area of your life, you could be going through a different season. Let me ask you this: in your life, what season are you in?
Once you answer that question, you'll know your "mode of engagement" or how you'll approach that specific area of your life. God wants you to life fully in whatever season you're in. The Bible says,
He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in season... In all that he does, he prospers. (Psalms 1:3)
For the next four weeks, we'll share God's word concerning the four seasons of your life: spring, summer, fall, and winter.

I'm so excited to share these powerful messages to you.

Be very blessed,

Bro Buddy Tan

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Shocking Summer Specials: Fiesta Cebu!

Super duper blessed! These are the precise words to described last week's Feast. During the second string of the Shocking Summer Specials, the CAP Auditorium was filled with much fun and laughter. People were super blessed with magic, games, music, food, and most of all the love and presence of each other. On top of that, Bro Buddy shared an enlightening talk. He graciously said that if you seek God first in your life, God would surely add joy to your life. He started that in order to be happy, there are three things that you should have:

  1. Something to do because all of us are born with a sacred purpose in life;
  2. Someone to love because we are all created to love; and
  3. Something to look forward to because if we seek God first, He'll give you a vision of your future which is a life of abundance - in this world and in the world to come.
In Matthew 6:3 it says, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness
and all these things shall be added unto you." Let God be the number one in your life. Enjoy and laugh with God today.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Shocking Yet Inspiring Variety Show

Everyone was surprisingly shocked as the Cebu Feast started the new series "Shocking Summer Special!" The first string was so extraordinary and packed with surprises as the LOJF servants, both young once and young ones, showcased their talents in singing and acting. Bro Buddy Tan said that Christians can have fun too because life is so precious it is not given to us by God to be endured but to be enjoyed to the fullest. Happiness is independent from whatever we are facing in life. It is not having the right situation but that makes us happy but having the right perception in a given situation. Psalm 34:8 said: "Taste and see that the Lord is good; blesses is the man who takes refuge in him." This is enough proof that our God is really a Happy God.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

New Series: Shocking Summer Specials!

I'd like to welcome all those who have come for the first time!

Welcome also to our brand new series, Shocking Summer Specials.

These next Tuesdays won't be your typical Feast. Every Tuesday will be a big surprise. Our message? Christians can have fun.

I can hear you now, "But Brother Bo, I have so many problems. How Can I be Happy?"

Life is All About Perceptions!

Let me tell you the truth: Happiness isn't about having the right situation but the right perception.

I just bought a second-hand car last week. I found it curious why the owner was selling it - because it was just four years old. When I visited his home, I realized why. In the parking lot, he had newer, bigger, better cars. He had 3 Toyota Land Cruisers and 4 othe beautiful cars. No wonder he was getting rid of his older car.

To him, his car was garbage.
But to me, his car was gold.
The same car, but different perception.
What is your life right now? Garbage or gold?
In the eyes of God, your life is gold.
Look at yourself in that way!

May your dreams come true!

Bo Sanchez

J1N1 Talk 3: Guide Them

It was a blast ending the series J1N1 with the title of the talk "Guide Them" with a powerful question to everyone. "Are you a bringer or a pointer?". We can bring others closer to God by our stories. Our stories can change the world. When you experience God you cannot stop talking about Him as well because the stories of God is life giving. We co-mission with God! So how can we guide people to God, Bro Buddy gives the 3 steps and they are:

1. Know their story and to know the other person's need
2. Share your story, be authentic and open your heart to others
3. Merge your stories and invite them to journey together in knowing, loving, and serving God.

So share your stories and bring more friends to the happiest place on earth! The Feast!

How Much Does One Man Worth?

Our vibrant worship leader, Bro. Stephen, reminded us of the very important thought provoking question, How much does one man worth?

In today's standard terms and claiming that each chromosome is priced at One Peso each- one average man is priced at - not including the price for his intelligence, talents, emotions, and potentials, Php 4,600,000,000,000.00, around 4.6 Quadrillion pesos.

Friend, frankly speaking, all of us are priceless. That God paid for us through his arms wide spread - the same way Bro. Stephen spread his two arms - as Jesus died on the cross to save for our sins.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

J1N1 Talk 2: Serve Them

During last weeks Feast the LOJF members were all in white because of the great plague that continues to contaminate everybody. God's Love!

J1N1 Talk 2 entitled "Serve Them" brought the big message that if you want to bring someone closer to God, you need to be kind to them for the Kingdom will be known by our kindness!

According to Bro. Buddy Tan, there are 3 ways of showing kindness:
1. Be accepting because all of us have limps and weakness
2. Be available and go out of your way to welcome and show kindness to all those who are along your path.
3. Be affectionate because the Lord will be known by your love.

The Feast is for everyone. It is not only for holy people but for sinners; not for insiders but outsiders; not a museum of perfect people but a hospital for the sick and the weak. In the Feast, we accept the sinners, prostitutes, adulterers, addicts, practically anyone because God is our Healer/

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

J1N1 Talk 1: Friend Them

It was a very blessed Tuesday evening to start the new series J1N! as it was opened by our well-respected and humble new Cebu Feast Builder - Bro. Buddy Tan.

"Friend Them" was the first talk of "J1N1", short for "Jesus in Everyone." Bro Buddy encouraged everyone to have a great spiritual pandemic and that is by contaminating others with God's
How? By using the most powerful tool of bringing others closer to God which is friendship. If we are not judgmental and accept others as they are, they will be able to experience Jesus through u
s. He clearly emphasized that God uses imperfect humans as chann
els of his perfect love.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

New Series: Are You Contagious?

AH1N1 is the influenza virus. Some strains are from birds (avian flu) and others are from pigs (swine flu).

In 2009, the World Health Organization declared the swine-flu a pandemic. By 2010 it caused 17,000 deaths.

That's nothing compared to the other pandemics in the history of the world. From 1348to 1350, posible 5 million persons died in what is commonly called Black Death - Killing 60% of Europe's population.

From 1918 to 1919, as many as 100 million died because of the Spanish flu, a deadly strain of avian-influenza. What causes pandemics? >/p>

Simple. People contaminate each other. A virus is passed from one person to another. Until a huge population has it.

Today, I propose that we have a spiritual pandemic. Instead of spreading death, we spread life.

Contaminate Others With God's Love

Welcome to ou revolutionary new series, J1N1, our acronym for Jesus in Everyone.

My belief: The Jesus in you should be contagious!

Your love should be contagious.

Your faith should be contagious.

Your passion should be contagious.

You should be contagious!

You're called to be another Jesus in the world. No excuses. No alibis. No exemptions. This is you life mission.

Question: How do you fulfill the mission? How do you spread a beautiful spiritual pandemic among your kids, parents, siblings, cousins, offcemates, classmates, and friends that will change their life forever? How do you contaminate them to also become a Jesus in the world? There are three critical steps that we shall study this month:

Talk 1: Friend Them

Talk 2: Serve Them

Talk 3: Guide Them.

At the end of this revolutionary series, my prayer is that you will be contagious!

Have a fantastic Feast today!

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

LOJ Core Group Team Building

On a rainy Saturday afternoon of March 19, 2011 the LOJ Family headed-off to San Remegio - a beautiful and rustic coastal town with white sand beaches off north of Cebu - to have their teambuilding.

A sumptuous dinner welcomed the team and was followed by the team building proper facilitated by no less than the LOJF Training Ministry Heads - the husband and wife team of Bro. John and Sis Monette Dulay. The activity was aimed at strengthening bonds and building relationships for a more effective teamwork to attain the community's main goal of building 1,000 Feasts.

Mind filling inputs were shared by the dynamic duo as the group was divided into 4 teams - Biege, Aqua, Blue, and Green. And thus the games began.

The teams enjoyed and learned lessons from the "flying" hula-hoop, and Sunday's Amazing Race on the beach.

It was such a fulfilling experience of worship, teamwork, and camaraderie.

Special gratitude is extended to our Feast Builder, Bro. Buddy Tan for the very warm welcome and for the use of his beautiful beach resort and of course to the LOJF Training Ministry.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

PESONALITY Talk 1: Make Your 100%

With the start of the brand new series last week entitled "Pesonality", The Feast Cebu has also a new speaker to deliver this "practically helpful" series, and to do it is no other than the pastoral head of Feast Manila - Bro Jonathan "J" Yogawin. True to his name, "You-Gonna-Win". Bro J carefully shared what pesonality is all about. It is not just about money talk and getting rich - the thought of the series is plainly directed on each of our personality ans giving it all out 100% is the key to succeed in any of our life goals.

And as he ended it, he shared the belief of having our own Cheque from God and start declaring to the world and claiming it that, we are receiving it.

Monday, March 7, 2011


I WANT you to earn more so you can love more.

Not just so that you can give more money. (That’s easy.)

But by becoming all that you can be through the process of earning more money, you can grow more and give yourself more.

Here’s the truth: Your Cash is directly connected to 3 Cs: Your Character, your Competence, and your Consciousness. I’ll discuss these three Cs today.

Let me first focus on Character.

Let me shock you with what the Bible says: If, then, you have not been faithful in handling worldly wealth, how can you be trusted with true wealth? (Luke 16:11)

That’s scary.

But think about it. How a person manages his money (no matter whether big or small) will reveal whether he’s gracious or greedy, honest or dishonest, loyal or disloyal.

Money doesn’t bring anything new to the table. Money, by itself, doesn’t make you gracious or greedy, honest or dishonest, loyal or disloyal. Nor does it make you happy or unhappy.

As I like to say, money is just a magnifying glass. It simply enlarges what’s already there. Money reveals your character—or the lack thereof.

That’s probably why Jesus spoke about money more than any other topic. Out of 57 parables, more than half were about money. (Some of my favorite critics accuse me of talking about money too much. I’m in good company.)

Today, I’m challenging you to earn more, it’s not about the money. It’s about the person that you become because of the journey in earning the money. Tony Hilado (Cebu Feast Marketing Head) mentors his students to earn P1 million in 90 days, and once they earn it, he tells them to give it all away.

That’s why a huge windfall of cash can destroy one’s life. Many Lotto winners declare bankruptcy after five years.

Because the needed character wasn’t there to maintain the cash.

Earn more to love more.

Earn more to grow more.

And welcome to our brand new series, Pesonality.

Yes, you do have a financial side to your personality. And Jesus wants to be Lord over that side of your life. Open your life to God—especially your finances—in the next four weeks. You’ll learn about these four very important

actions that will prosper you:

Talk 1: Make Your 100%

Talk 2: Magnify Your 10%

Talk 3: Multiply Your 20%

Talk 4: Manage Your 70%

Have a great Feast today!

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez

Last talk for DRENCHED: Always be Grateful!

With the last part of the series Drenched, Bro. Migs Ramirez reminded us that the key to enjoy God’s blessings is to simply be G.R.A.T.E.F.U.L.—being thankful to God, our Relationships, for our being Alive, our Triumphs, all our Endeavors, even our Failures, including the Unexpected and of course for Love.

Last week was also the last talk of Bro. Migz for it will still be quite some time before he would once again inspire the Febu Feast with skill songs, catchy acting sequence and magic tricks.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Kerygma Conference 2011 Shirts Now Available!

Missed buying the Cebu Kerygma Conference 2011 Souvenir Shirts?? 

Nows your chance to buy it here and now! Get yours now before stocks run out!

P197 ONLY!


For orders contact:
09229355747 (Lovely)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

DRENCHED - Talk 3 - Grow the Blessings

The key to grow our blessings was very well explained by Bro. Migz as he ended it with a very cool magic trick when he poured water on a sheet of newpaper and poured it out an orange juice. God continuously pours blessings upon blessings in our lives, and it's always up to us on how to absorb and transform those blessings as we experience it in our lives. And to do so we must follow the simple steps of plowing first, then start to plant, continuously persevere then enjoy as it produces.

This was perfectly manifested when all feat attendees wrote their blessings and what they asked to be to blessed with in fruit shaped papers and posted it on our "Blessing Tree". Through this we give action to planting our dreams and working hard so that we will soon pluck our own fruit of blessings.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Valentines Feast Special

During last week’s feast, with the talk “Speak the Blessings” we not only spoke the words of how God continuously has blessed us but we also wrote it all down. Along the walls of the Feast were colorful heart walls were everybody were asked to write and give thanks to the many graces all us received and ask God their truthful intentions.

From finances to good health, and even thanking God for the “boyfriend” that is about to come, people were really able to profess how blessed we all are despite of our everyday challenges.

The Feast program committee also did the “Love Connection”. Where all attendees were asked to roam around and connect with as many people—most especially that of the opposite gender! The community took the day’s celebration as an opportunity to create an activity that would initiate a sense of comfort and familiarity among members and spark good relationships.

With everybody scrambling with their lists, the music ministry serenaded the auditorium. Indeed love was in the air not only for those who had “found” it but also for those who will still find it through the “Love Network”

The First One True Love Photo Contest

Last Valentine’ day was the Feast’s first ever One True Love Photo Contest. As plugged a week earlier, the feast participants were invited to join by submitting their romantic photos with them and their love one. They were then posted on The Feast’s Facebook Page and the number of
“Likes” determines which would be the winner. There were ten couple participants who joined and submitted their wonderful romantic pictures and were all honored that day. However, only one got the highest number of likes –149—and that was that of Joseph Cabrera and his girlfriend, Therese.

Other photo entries:

Let us continue to support our upcoming Feast Activities!