During last week’s feast, with the talk “Speak the Blessings” we not only spoke the words of how God continuously has blessed us but we also wrote it all down. Along the walls of the Feast were colorful heart walls were everybody were asked to write and give thanks to the many graces all us received and ask God their truthful intentions.
From finances to good health, and even thanking God for the “boyfriend” that is about to come, people were really able to profess how blessed we all are despite of our everyday challenges.
The Feast program committee also did the “Love Connection”. Where all attendees were asked to roam around and connect with as many people—most especially that of the opposite gender! The community took the day’s celebration as an opportunity to create an activity that would initiate a sense of comfort and familiarity among members and spark good relationships.
With everybody scrambling with their lists, the music ministry serenaded the auditorium. Indeed love was in the air not only for those who had “found” it but also for those who will still find it through the “Love Network”
Couldn't forget my Valentines Date @ Feast Cebu...