Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Real Score: Forgiveness

At Last week's Feast the Gospel was taken from Matthew 20:1-16, about the generosity of God. Rev. Fr. Jaime said during his homily that "All of us are equal in the eyes of God, we are all His children. He gives and blesses all his children. No one deserves God's blessings, but because He is generous, he chooses to bless us."

The series ended last week with a talk on FORGIVENESS. It was very enlightening and liberating. Bro. Buddy gave 2 clarifications about forgiveness which are:
  1. Forgiveness is different from friendship - When you forgive someone it doesn't mean you'll be friend with him again.
  2. When the hurt is very deep, don't forgive right away - By getting angry we restore our dignity. This process is part of your healing.
If you really want to be happy in your life, you need to have a forgiving attitude because you live amidst imperfect people and you are imperfect too. In the Bible Jesus said, "Forgive seventy times seven." The number is a Biblical symbol for "forever".

Bro. Buddy put emphasis on this, "Forgiveness is first of all a gift you give yourself. Forgiveness is almost as selfish act because of the incredible blessings the forgiver gets!"

But the root of unforgiveness is our inability to forgive ourselves. If we don't receive God's mercy, we can't give mercy to others. Let us stop trying to pay for our sins instead let us rest in His mercy.

To end, Bro. Buddy stated that forgiveness is being kind beyond what is reasonable, in 1 Corinthians 13 it says, "Love does not keep a record of wrongs."

Brothers and sisters, let us all forgive sincerely and be free!

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