Wednesday, April 27, 2011

J1N1 Talk 2: Serve Them

During last weeks Feast the LOJF members were all in white because of the great plague that continues to contaminate everybody. God's Love!

J1N1 Talk 2 entitled "Serve Them" brought the big message that if you want to bring someone closer to God, you need to be kind to them for the Kingdom will be known by our kindness!

According to Bro. Buddy Tan, there are 3 ways of showing kindness:
1. Be accepting because all of us have limps and weakness
2. Be available and go out of your way to welcome and show kindness to all those who are along your path.
3. Be affectionate because the Lord will be known by your love.

The Feast is for everyone. It is not only for holy people but for sinners; not for insiders but outsiders; not a museum of perfect people but a hospital for the sick and the weak. In the Feast, we accept the sinners, prostitutes, adulterers, addicts, practically anyone because God is our Healer/

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

J1N1 Talk 1: Friend Them

It was a very blessed Tuesday evening to start the new series J1N! as it was opened by our well-respected and humble new Cebu Feast Builder - Bro. Buddy Tan.

"Friend Them" was the first talk of "J1N1", short for "Jesus in Everyone." Bro Buddy encouraged everyone to have a great spiritual pandemic and that is by contaminating others with God's
How? By using the most powerful tool of bringing others closer to God which is friendship. If we are not judgmental and accept others as they are, they will be able to experience Jesus through u
s. He clearly emphasized that God uses imperfect humans as chann
els of his perfect love.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

New Series: Are You Contagious?

AH1N1 is the influenza virus. Some strains are from birds (avian flu) and others are from pigs (swine flu).

In 2009, the World Health Organization declared the swine-flu a pandemic. By 2010 it caused 17,000 deaths.

That's nothing compared to the other pandemics in the history of the world. From 1348to 1350, posible 5 million persons died in what is commonly called Black Death - Killing 60% of Europe's population.

From 1918 to 1919, as many as 100 million died because of the Spanish flu, a deadly strain of avian-influenza. What causes pandemics? >/p>

Simple. People contaminate each other. A virus is passed from one person to another. Until a huge population has it.

Today, I propose that we have a spiritual pandemic. Instead of spreading death, we spread life.

Contaminate Others With God's Love

Welcome to ou revolutionary new series, J1N1, our acronym for Jesus in Everyone.

My belief: The Jesus in you should be contagious!

Your love should be contagious.

Your faith should be contagious.

Your passion should be contagious.

You should be contagious!

You're called to be another Jesus in the world. No excuses. No alibis. No exemptions. This is you life mission.

Question: How do you fulfill the mission? How do you spread a beautiful spiritual pandemic among your kids, parents, siblings, cousins, offcemates, classmates, and friends that will change their life forever? How do you contaminate them to also become a Jesus in the world? There are three critical steps that we shall study this month:

Talk 1: Friend Them

Talk 2: Serve Them

Talk 3: Guide Them.

At the end of this revolutionary series, my prayer is that you will be contagious!

Have a fantastic Feast today!

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez